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Victory or Death

Victory or Death

A Wargamers Guide to the American Revolution, 1775-1782.

This wargamer’s guide provides a comprehensive overview of the American War of Independence (or American Revolution), 1775–1782. The guide includes a series of maps showing the location of major battles by year with accompanying summaries of those battles and of the major campaigns of the war, and additionally it includes details of many lesser-known engagements. The book also provides information on and organisations of not only American Continentals, French regular units, and British regular units, but also on American militia, the British Army’s German Auxiliaries, and the British provincial and loyalist units, and will thus enable wargamers to focus their efforts on specific campaigns or battles.

Orders of battle for selected campaigns and specific battles are provided. Uniform guides, including uniform colours and facings, for each of the participants are included along with descriptions of the armies’ colours. The guide provides information on rules for the period and an overview of various miniatures available in a range of scales. Several tabletop wargaming scenarios, accompanied by maps, orders of battle and painting guides are also included in the book; additionally, information for several historical campaign scenarios are given, showing how campaigns can be used to add a new dimension to wargaming and to generate tabletop battles.


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