Nicknamed “brave of the brave, the Achilles of his time”, Guillaume II des Barres was one of Philip Augustus’ greatest captains. Lord of Oissery, we first meet Guillaume at the siege of Chatillon, scaling the walls by himself to drive off the defenders and carry the fortress by escalade. Later, we find him on the hill of Pongebœuf outside Mantes, locked in combat with some of England’s greatest knights – Richard the Lionheart, William d’Aubigny and Ranulf of Chichester.
Guillaume journeyed to the Holy Land with the Third Crusade in 1191. His feud with Richard the Lionheart was ignited once again when they crossed swords during a tournament. However, the two would later reconcile following Guillaume’s heroic actions at Arsuf. Guillaume’s exemplary service continued during the war against England, fighting at the siege of Chateau Gaillard and in the centre battle at Bouvines.
Pack contains one 28mm mounted figure, one foot figure and two heater shields. Pill-shaped base and 25mm round base included.
Miniature supplied unpainted and may need some assembly.