Our Wash Bundle is a grouping of our different colored washes at a discounted price. This bundle includes the ten (10) washes listed below:
• 1 Black Wash
• 1 Dark Wash
• 1 Light Wash
• 1 Flesh Wash
• 1 Yellow Wash
• 1 Red Wash
• 1 Purple Wash
• 1 Blue Wash
• 1 Aqua Wash
• 1 Green Wash
Our washes are heavily pigmented and can be applied in a single coat. These washes can also be used to speedpaint in a similar fashion to other brands contrast paints, and allow for the basecoat color properties to show through. Each bottle comes with an included paint agitator.
For best results, apply over a primed or base-coated surface.
Models by Kings of War, painted by Zach Kamm.
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