Burrows & Badgers is a skirmish game of Anthropomorphic Animals set in the kingdom of Northymbra. Players take control of warbands made up of a variety of creatures, but how do you decide who to bring to the battlefield? Author Michael Lovejoy is here to give you some advice!
When you first start choosing a Warband, the sheer number of options can be a bit confusing. People keep asking us endless questions; which races work well together, are mice any good at fighting, should I just get foxes, and should they all be wizards? Complicated stuff, obviously…
Normally, we just smile cheerfully (or is that maniacally?) and reply ‘Just get the half a dozen miniatures you like best!’ which usually does the job… but sometimes people want more information. So this is our attempt to give you just that!
Warbands can have from 3 to 10 miniatures; typically most starting warbands have 5 or 6.
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